Qwest Credit Enhancement, under Qwest Enterprises, LLC, is a firm based out of Wilmington, Delaware that specializes in helping individuals improve their credit scores. Qwest’s approach to solving credit challenges differs greatly from that of other companies promising similar services. Qwest Credit Enhancement is highly devoted to transparency, honesty and the education of their clients.
While many companies promise the ability to help any and all clients, Qwest believes this to be misleading and are the first to admit that they cannot help every single client, although they really wish they could. Each case brought before Qwest Credit Enhancement is likely to be unique, which is why Qwest has to review each client’s needs to make sure that their efforts can make a difference. If Qwest is not able to provide their solutions, they will respectfully and professionally inform an individual that their case has been declined. Because of this selective method of taking on cases, Qwest Credit Enhancement has a very high success rate with clients.
Qwest Credit Enhancement’s primary technique for helping a client meet their credit goal is “credit enhancement.” While many companies deal with only disputing credit information to the bureaus in an effort to help clients, Qwest finds the techniques employed by “dispute factories” to be highly ineffective. The Qwest Credit Enhancement solution, on the other hand, is in many ways similar to the idea of having a personal trainer to help you meet your fitness goals. While a personal trainer can put you through all sorts of cardio and and weight lifting programs, you would have to actively be putting in your own effort to stay educated on how to best achieve the intended results. Likewise, Qwest Credit Enhancement strives to educate their clients in order to help them successfully meet their goals. The more educated a client is on the FICO teachings and fundamentals, the easier it becomes to achieve lasting results to their credit challenges.
The professionals working with Qwest Enterprises, LLC are FCRA experts, certified FICO professionals and nationally recognized credit reporting and scoring experts. The job of Qwest Credit Enhancement does not stop at working to improving a client’s credit score, Qwest also works to educate clients and give them a comprehensive understanding of how credit and credit scoring works. Qwest strives to ensure that the FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act) and FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act) rights of their clients are enforced, and they believe that a lot of the secrets behind the credit industry have remained hidden long enough.

NCCBOR Affiliate Business of the Year (2013)
We sit on the affiliate council at the New Castle County Board of Realtors. Since many of our clients come to us because they eventually want to purchase a home, we have a big presence in our local Real Estate market. Qwest Credit Enhancement was even recognized with the "Affiliate Business of The Year" Award in 2013..

Better Business Bureau Torch Award Finalist(2009)
We have an A+ rating with BBB, which we have maintained for many years. That is something unheard of in the "Credit Repair" industry. We do not even have an unresolved issue, according to their records. Qwest Credit Enhancement was also nominated for the prestigious BBB "Torch Award" for Ethics, in 2009.

NASCO Member
We are a proud member of this organization that advocates industry standards and ethical business practices for the credit repair industry. The "Standards of Excellence" Seal is only given to businesses who meet NACSO’s high standards, and pass a thorough certification test and enrollment process, which is even stricter than the Federal Regulations set forth.

Certified FICO Pro
We have acquired the prestigious "FICO Pro" Certification from AllRegs and Fair Isaac(FICO), which requires candidates to agree to a code of ethics as well as complete a strict course delivered by AllRegs Academy. FICO Pros understand how FICO scores are created, the characteristics utilized, and FICO scores impact on consumers.